Trusted advice to empower your prosperity journey
Your advisor knows you – they understand your needs and offer the best solutions to help manage, grow and preserve your wealth. We understand your advisor. By providing the essential tools, resources, products and services, we empower advisors to efficiently manage a successful practice.
Portfolio access at your fingertips

Portfolio access at your fingertips
Our secure, digital client portals give you convenient access to view your portfolio and see how you are tracking against your goals.
You can check your performance, access eDocuments, review transactions, and more.
Having all your key information readily available makes it easier for you to collaborate with your advisor and ensure you stay on track.
Working with you at every stage
Building your wealth is a journey, and as you transition through it your goals will adjust. Market conditions, career changes, milestone achievement, and major life events can all have an effect on your financial priorities.
The tools and strategies you use with your advisor will also shift. The approach you take to investing when you are just starting out, will be quite different from the one you adopt when you’re considering retirement.
We call this the Wealth Continuum. From digital advice to full service programs, we provide unique product offerings to help advisors support you at every stage of your wealth journey.
Wealth Continuum
A comprehensive suite of investment solutions

* Only available through Worldsource Securities Inc.
** Only available through Worldsource Financial Management Inc.